Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who Jacked My Necklace?

For a Mothers Day gift I received a necklace from my youngest daughter, I think that's where the other ten dollars went that she asked for while we were out shopping. However, I haven't ever gotten the chance to wear it, and when I did decide to wear it I couldn't find the darn thing anywhere. Well, I didn't want to let Cassidy know I'd lost her gift to me. Then the other day I looked on her facebook page and saw her new picture she posted... I do believe, she Jacked my necklace! lol

Silence Can Be Golden

I think I've finally realized what the person who first used that phrase meant. Last week Cassidy, my sixth grade daughter came home with papers for me to look over and sign for her to join band at school. Tonight was the first meeting, we went, listened to the band director and the lady renting the band instruments. Then I brought out the ole pocket book and we brought our newest musical instrument home....

Lucky for me, Cassidy wanted to play the drums, Oh I know... I say lucky now, I'm sure I'll be eating my words at a later date. At least they were cheaper than some of the other instruments. So here's the proud new owner of the drums after she opens the bag and assembles them. Just so you know, I can't hear myself typing this since the sound of tap tap tap is running through the room.

Here is a good shot of Cassidy looking in her bag of goodies. I don't know why people wear those pants with those big ole letters on the butt... But after the meeting tonight, I think the Gap is in my pocket book.. and of course I'm beginning to wonder if there wasn't some kind of gap in the neurons running to my brain at the moment I told her she could join the band in the first place. One good thing I can say about getting older that will come to my advantage as she begins band practice... I've noticed I have a bit of hearing loss in my left ear so maybe I will only need one ear plug!