Tuesday, May 1, 2012

 My Great Great Aunt Edith... 

Edith May Dyke born May 4, 1877
             in New Canton, Illinois   Pike County
           Father:  Noble M. Dyke   born in 1833    Pennsylvania
                           died Jane 1903 in   Pike County, Illinois
            Mother:  Adellia S. Turner  born in  1844 in England

Aunt Edith lead an interesting life from what little I can find out through old newspaper clipping and from my Aunt Linda who visited with her often.
Edith May Dyke left town (Hannibal, MO.) at the age of 17 with
          a circus that came to town.  
     She started in show business as a singer of ballads.
   This start led to a far more exciting career a an aerial performer.
    While singing ballads the then Miss Edith Dyke was tutored on style
   and technique by Mr. and Mrs. Harry James, the grand-parents of
  the renowned Harry James. There were musicians into he show in which 
  Miss Dyke first started singing.
   At the age of 19 she became Mrs. Ansel Smith upon marrying showman
  Ansel Smith who had been appearing at the Temple Theatre on East
   Broadway in Alton.
   They started work immediately on an aerial act which was to later tour 
   internationally. The act started touring the United States and after covering 
   47 states toured up through British Columbia, Nova Scotia and other    
   provinces of Canada. And also did three command performance for the
   King and Queen of England.
   Ringling Brothers, Hagenbeck and Wallace, and Norris Roe are only three
  of many famous circuses and shows that presented their act.
    After touring the North America continent, their act was featured in such
   far off places as Hawaii, the Samoan Islands, Australia, New Zealand and
   Tasmania. Visiting a total of 27 countries with their high wire act.
       In 1917 the Smiths bought a home in East Alton at 526 Bowman Ave, 
    The Smiths lived there for three years to care for her husbands ailing
     Mother, who later fell victim to one of the flu epidemics of that time and
    passed away.
     In 1919 the Smiths went back to their profession and their first engagement
    was the Academy Theatre in Chicago. Nine years later after touring the
    United States and part of Canada again, they did another show at the 
    Academy Theatre. This was their last public professional theater engagement.
    For years the Smith's backyard was like a circus with all the neighborhood children
   being taught stunts by Mr. Smith....one of the back yard tutelage was
     Millie Weller of Jerseyville, Illinois. She was taught the high wire act and went
    on tour every summer. 
               Aunt Edith passed away  July of 1960