Saturday, July 28, 2012

Here's a list of cool links I use frequently....

If you use firefox this is a good one to use to make sure all your plug ins are up to date.

For people who play farm town these links are good for snagging extra stuff for your games

Topix is a site where people should be able to post things going on in your area and keep you informed on what's going on around you. However, from what I've seen.. You have to weed through the lies and drama people want to start about others while hiding behind fake names.

Jackson County online, this is a cool site for the people in my area. They try to keep people posted on upcoming events and things going on around our area. There are also some cool links to the weather, river stages and obituaries.

Sometimes when you misplace your cell phone and there is nobody around to call your number so you can find it, this one really comes in handy. I've used it a few times and I love it.

I also like the Microsoft download site.. It has a lot of free downloads and tons of useful information.

I can't leave out this one.. I've downloaded a lot of things from this site.. I don't remember how I found it, but I know I love it... You can get a lot of free downloads from here, it has a lot of programs to chose from.. I really love their free Avast antivirus.
 I may not have a picture of my big ole hairy beaver surfing around on the internet... But, there may be a few comments or stories here and there that one day my daughters or grandsons will see. All I have to say about that is.. At least they'll know who they got the attitude from.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Kin folk

Sometimes I stop at the beauty shop my sister owns and she’ll be fixing some little old ladies hair, then she’ll say, “This is Aunt Ruby”… Or…”This is Aunt Opel”… Or …”This is cousin so and so”, and I usually have no idea who they are or how we’re kin. Not too long ago, when I popped in the beauty shop.. she said, “This is Cousin Betty”, Betty and I both looked at each other and burst out laughing. I had met Betty a few months earlier because she sat with one of my clients, we had no idea we were cousins. Now another cousin and I are trying to figure out how we’re cousins, we have it narrowed down to Aunt Mable (his grandma) and Momma Hazel (my grandma), but we’re not sure how they were kin. He said, maybe they were half sisters… Notice, he said, “MAYBE”.. In he doesn’t know for sure. However, that is highly possible because I remember my mom talking about her granddad; he was either married seven times or had seven different lady friends he kept company with. The story was, when one would get mad at him and kick him out of the house he would be seen going down the road to another lady friend’s house with all his stuff packed on his horses back. I think he bounced around between them. Hummm, now I’m going to have to find somebody old who remembers .. And find out just how many kids this grandpa had.
Back in the 90’s, a little old lady from momma Hazel’s side of the family (whom I didn’t know) passed away and my dad who was preaching the funeral said there might not be a lot of family and friends there because she had outlived most of them and it would be nice if I went since I was laid off and had all that free time on my hands. So, I went. When I got inside where all the family was waiting to be seated before the funeral, I didn’t see one person I knew. I was beginning to think I was at the wrong funeral then, Bill and Laverne Jones showed up.. I’m not sure how we’re kin to them either; I don’t even know which one we’re kin to.. But, I betcha it has something to do with my great grandpa.