Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dyke Family Home

For the past few weeks I've been talking to two of my Aunts about our family and how we are kin to some of our relatives. One of my aunts sent me a picture of the home my grandmother grew up in. They said Granny Hazel commented about how she had to help clean and polish the winding staircase and just hated it. Here is the picture of the old Dyke family home.

My sister called me this morning and told me our cousin Teresa, who didn't know I was trying to figure out a bit about our family tree...Had called her to tell her about a strange dream she had. Teresa said she was standing in front of this big two story house, then she opened the door and went in. She could hear beautiful music and she followed the music up the winding stair case and down the hall until she got to the door the music was coming from. When she opened the door, there was our mom (who passed away in 2003) playing the piano. Teresa said mom looked surprised to see her and asked her what she was doing there, to which Teresa replied, "I don't know"... Then mom said, "We have to get you out of here quick, there's a storm coming"... Then  the dream was over and Tresa was wakened by a loud clap of thunder from the thunderstorm that was going on as she slept.
Now her dream, isn't so unusual. What was though, is Teresa didn't know anything about about the Dyke family home or it having a winding staircase. She told my sister she did a quick sketch of it after her dream and she forwarded it to her... and  then my sister forwarded it to me.. Uncanny resemblance in the houses wouldn't you say?