Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's hot enough to cook outside and the cheese is flying

It has been so hot the last few days, I saw someone on the news cooking an egg on the hood of their car. Well, my daughter has a cousin spending the night and we decided we'd make pizza. After I mixed the ingredients together for the dough, instead of warming the oven and putting the bowl in there to let the dough rise I decided I'd just put a top on the bowl and set it on the back porch. When Cassidy came in the kitchen she looked in the over to see how the dough was coming along she asked, "where's the pizza dough?" I told her it was on the back porch and that it would rise just as good there since it was so hot. She hollered to her cousin, "Hey, Mom's using ancient technology to cook tonight!" Oh, so now I'm ancient...That really makes a mom proud!
After the dough was done I had help preparing the pizza's for the oven... Actually, I had more help than I wanted or needed. Cassidy kept dipping her fingers in the pizza's eating the sauce, finally I threw a handful of cheese at her, she threw one back, someone threw a mushroom... Then the food fight was on...
After all the food settled we used what was left and threw the pizzas in the oven before anyone decided to get paybacks... With that done I was ready to get the broom and dust pan and clean up the mess... But, I had forgotten... We have two human vacuum cleaners who are never far away when food is involved. I'm not sure how much of the food actually had a chance to hit the floor, it was as good as gone by the time we were finished making the pizzas. Thank God for Pizzas, kids and dogs... Life wouldn't be the same without them! Now if I could just con someone into washing the dishes!

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