Monday, July 4, 2011

Guess Who's Coming To The Reunion?

I went to visit this little ole lady I know the other day and during our visit she looked at me and said, “You know what I have always wanted to do? I've always wanted to make big bowl of potato salad, then go for a drive through the park in the summer looking for a family reunion to crash. I would just get out of the car and walk up and put my bowl on their table and start talking to people like I am part of the family”. Oh my, I think she would really do it... This little lady don’t ever meet a stranger so I bet she could pull it off. Wouldn't it be fun to be so brave and carefree to do something like that?
This lady is usually in a pretty good mood so I don’t know what her husband had done before I got there, but he was in the dog house. She said she was mad at him and the daughter (who’s in her 60’s) agreed, they were both mad, they said if they cooled off later, he might get something to eat before bedtime. The poor man was banned to his computer room while I was there. When I saw him and he looked pretty content, I really don’t think he realized he was in trouble or perhaps he just didn't care. Then again, maybe that's the way he planned it all along.
I thought I'd give everyone the heads up in case you are planning a family reunion anytime this coming summer. Be on the look out for little old ladies carrying big bowls of potato salad with husbands who don’t have a clue as to what is going on!!

Be Thankful, Things Could Be Worse

I guess it is nature, but we sometimes get carried away.
Complaining about the weather, our health and worries each day.
But just stop and consider all the good in our lives.
And realize that others must too deal with life’s strife .
I complain about my house, it’s not this, it’s not that.
Then I see a man who is homeless and lays down to sleep wherever he’s at.
I fuss about my job the pay and the work.
While there are people who would love to do what I do, but they can’t cause they hurt.
I gripe about car payments, insurance, upkeep and the prices of gas.
Then I see cars broken down on the road, and people walking as I pass.
And our kids they won’t listen or mind and they’re silly and lazy, often causing us to pull out our hair.
But look at parents who have lost their kids, we should be thankful we have ours and glad that they're there.
And though it all works, we complain about our bodies, our aches, our looks and our health.
Though there are many, if they could get out of bed would gladly give up their riches and wealth.
They need help rolling over in bed, getting up, getting dressed and being able to eat.
Oh if they could only pick up their own fork, to them that would be a great feat.
It seems we are never happy and love to complain.
But look around at others and notice all the death and the pain.
If you have friends and family you love.
Stop for a moment and thank the good lord above.
There is a reason we’re still here on this earth.
Look on the bright side for what it is worth.
If you have a job, a car and a roof over your head.
Then quit your complaining, at least you ain’t dead!

Redneck Woodpecker Tree

One thing I really love about my job is that I am out and about all day long, often I find myself singing to the radio while traveling to other neighboring towns and out in the boonies. One the long drives I have time to rubberneck and look at the clouds, all the creeks, rivers, animals and anything else that I pass that grabs my interest. Every now and then I find something unusual and say, Hummmmm, I have been down this road a hundred times, how long has this tree been here?? This tree is off 224 on the way to Swifton, Arkansas and I don't know why it took me so many trips down that road before I noticed it. Someone had a lot of time on their hands and a pretty good imagination. I sometimes get carried away looking at all the scenery and miss my turn and end up way out of my territory. Oh well, it's about the trip not the destination... Right??