Thursday, June 28, 2012

I"m A Fire Spotter

I Saw this on the way to one of my clients house today and called 911 and told them the levee was on fire and I didn't see anyone trying to put it out... And of course, I gave her directions... Go through the four way stop towards Ingleside and you can't miss it, she said OK and hung up..
Then my sister who was listening to the scanner called me and said, "Call them back, they can't find it."
Sooo, I called them back...

Me..."It's me again"
911..."Where's the fire at"
Me... You know where the four way stop is on state street by the golf course?"
911... "EVERYBODY knows where the four way stop is", (Duh, she was starting to sound kinda snippy) ;)
Me... "Well then, at the stop sign... Go straight like you're going to Ingleside and keep on going, you can't miss it." ( I mean, how big is Ingleside? I don't think it's even on the map)
911... Is it by the road?"
Me... "NO lady, I told you... It's on the levee"
Well, they found it.. That was around two P.m.... When I was on my way home close to 6 P.M.... There were more trucks heading out that way and it was still going. :(

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