Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resloutions...

1. I will stop leaving my dirty socks lying in the middle of the floor. I'll leave them on the kitchen table, where they're easier to find.
2. I will stop boring my boss with the same ole lame excuse when I call in sick. This year I'm gonna think of better excuses than I got the runs..
3. I'm gonna stop sitting around in my tee shirt and panties on Saturday morning while drinking my coffee and playing on the puter... For now on.. I'll take my puter into the bedroom until I decide to get dressed.
4. I'll try and quit blaming the dog every time I fart.
5. I will never ever... feed the dogs leftover beans again.. OK, so sometimes it is them who farts..
6. I'll stop pretending it isn't time to take the garbage out by repeatedly smashing it down 'til my arms ache.
7. I'll stop hitting the snooze button repeatedly in the morning.. For now on, I'm going to set three different alarms.
8. I will no longer sit at the computer all the time.... I will try to stand while I type for at least thirty minutes a day.

9. I will never again light a cigarette right after spraying my hair down with hair spray. Wonder how long it takes for eyebrows to grow back???

  Well.. What did you expect? You didn't really think I was gonna make some resolutions i coudn't keep... did ya?

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