Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can You Spare A Dollar

The other day as I was walking back to my car from the store a man who was walking by smiled and waved, since everyone in this town is pretty friendly I waved back. After getting in my car there was a peck at my window, it was this same man. I rolled down my window and he said, "Sorry to bother you but I only have 50 cents and was wondering if you could spare a dollar or two so I can get something to eat". Well, I wasn't lying when I responded with, "I'm sorry, but I just spent all my cash in the store", then he said, "No problem" and turned to walk away. Just then I had a thought, I'd bought some Vienna sausages, I can give them to him... So, I rolled down my window and hollered, "Hey, I have some Vienna sausages you can have!" Now can you believe this hungry man who was out begging for money so he could get a bite to eat turned to me and said, "No thanks"? I don't think that man was hungry at all!

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