Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Happened To The Cake?

Last week when my daughter made a bunt cake, it fell a little on one side. To even it out she put a little extra icing in the low parts then set it on the counter. Later as her husband was cutting a slice of the cake he asked her what had happened to it and since she didn't look to see what he was talking about, she told him it fell in the oven, but was still good. Later that day as she was starting to cook dinner she realized what her husband meant when he asked what had happened to the cake....
It seems their oldest son who is tall enough to reach the counter had been grabbing handfuls all day long. His mom said, "I knew he was over there a lot today, but I thought he was reaching for his sippy cup". They are coming over for Thanksgiving dinner next week guess what she offered to bring... Ummmmmm... The cake.

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