Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wet phone comes back to life


WooHoo... Thank God for the internet... AND... Rice!!! On May 5th I wrote about searching on e-bay for a new phone because I dropped mine in a sink full of water. :o As soon as I dropped it, I snatched it out and dried it off, it was working for a minute and quit. I thought that SOB was a goner. However, being the internet junkie I am I goggled how to dry out/save a wet phone. Fortunately, I found an article that said to take the battery out and cover the phone and battery in dry rice. The theory being the rice will draw the moisture out of the phone and it will work again. I really had my doubts, but what did I have to loose. So, the first three days whenever I inserted the sims card and turned the phone on, all it would do after it said Hellomoto was go to the internet!!! :roll: As a result, I pretty well gave up on it and haven't checked the phone in the last few days; however, today I thought I would give it another try and would you believe the dang thing works??? Now you watch and see if my new phone don't come in the mail tomorrow!!!

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