Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ain't Grandkids Wonderful

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When my daughter told me two years ago she had started dating a black man... I didn't know what to think. Nobody in my family had ever crossed that barrier.... I was uneasy with the situation to say the least, however I already knew... You cannot make choices for your adult children...And you cannot change their minds when they are in love.... You just have to hope they make the right decisions and be there for them when they find out they didn't. So I asked my daughter, "Can you go to Wal-Mart or anywhere else with him without feeling uncomfortable?" And she answered me, "Yes I can." Well, I told her to be sure she was talking her birth control...Yeah, yeah, yeah..."Famous Last Words". So, I was left with the task of breaking the news to my family that my daughter was dating out of our race...

WooHoo.... When I told my Dad the preacher, he said, "Darling you married two white men who wasn't worth a shit, color doesn't really matter that much as long as he's a good person." My two sisters took it well too, I was really surprised by their reactions, and if they felt any different than what they expressed to me, they kept it to themselves.... THEN... a couple of months later while visiting my daughter.... Yeah, you guessed it.. "Mom, I'm pregnant." Ohhh boy, here we go again... AND... Guess who got to tell everyone the good news? Yep, me... The words out of my of my Dad's mouth were, "We'll love it" and my sisters were both like, "look at so and so who's grand baby is mixed and this one and that one and...." the list went on and on... And my family was happy for my daughter. Ain't families wonderful and can't they surprise you at times with their love and understanding?

My daughter had a bouncing baby boy and he will be two years old on Valentines day 2010... He will also become a big brother sometime at the end of May. Yes, they are still together and very happy. You know my Dad was right, I did marry two white guys who weren't the greatest.. And... I'm glad my daughter didn't follow in my steps but was brave enough to follow her own heart and found a great guy no matter what race he is... Love's blind...So is some of our younger generation when it comes to color...And us older folks could learn a few things from the younger generation about not judging by the color of ones skin... Ain't we all American's? Maybe if we would all quite fighting amongst ourselves over race and stick together like families do during hard times our country could be great again, huh?


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