Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tree Skirts

I remember back in my younger days it would get so cold that the ponds and lakes would freeze over and everyone would be out skating on the ice. I'm starting to sound like my grandmother... Oh boy... For the last 20 years it hasn't gotten cold enough or stayed that cold long enough to freeze a ditch much less a pond. However, the first week in January we had some of the coldest temperatures we have had in years, as a result the lakes and ponds froze over thick enough to skate on. This picture is a lake at the beginning of the cold snap. Notice the rings forming around the trees.

tree skirts one.jpg

Flood waters and freezing temperatures can be a good time to catch some interesting pictures. This picture was taken near the boat ramp at Black river in Arkansas you can see where the water level was when it froze, when the water dropped it left "skirts" of ice around the trees.

tree skirts.jpg

This shows one of the "skirts" that had started breaking away and how thick the ice was on the lake.

tree skirts 3.jpg

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