Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome To Church Camp

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I grew up as a preacher's kid, however the one thing I never wanted to do.... And never did was go to church camp. Now that I am the parent, I am glad my kid wants to go.... WooHoo... A whole week by myself, peace & quite and a clean house. Well, that week is over... She is back home now and things are back to the everyday chaos that we thrive on.
Church camp is different now than it was years ago. Now the kids all have cell phones and can keep in touch with their parents while they are gone. I guess it helps some on them from feeling homesick and it gives the parents a peace of mind also, well... Sometimes. The day cassidy left for camp, I got three pic's showing where they were at in a two hour period. The next day I had two voice mails and one pic showing this big spider they killed in her cabin!!!
dead spider.jpg
Then on the third day there I get this picture.... Yeah, she lost a tooth... Now how am I supposed to explain the tooth fairy not coming there?? Don't the tooth fairy know God?
lost tooth.jpg

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