Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monster TV Remote

big remote.jpg

My kid is forever loosing the remote control to the TV and whining to me when she can't find it. However, since I don't watch TV too often, I don't worry about looking for it. Well, the remote had been missing for about two months when what did I spot on the shelf at the store last week? One of the biggest universal TV remotes I have ever seen... this thing is almost as big as my head... lol... Well,I bought it and after I got home I decided I would have a little fun with it before I let her know she didn't have to get up off the couch and walk across the living room anymore to change the channels. I had to get something for my $10.00 didn't I? Hehehe....So after supper she turns on the TV then plops down on the couch... and in a few minutes... I click the TV off... then she gets up, goes to the TV and turns it back on and sets back down.....So I change the channels with the remote....Hehehehe......then she gets back up......(God I'm having trouble keeping from laughing out loud)... and fixes it....sets down.....(Oh, this is too much fun)!!! This goes on for a while...and sometimes it would just keep changing channels.....she got to where she would get it fixed and stand there waiting for it to mess up....and as soon as she sat was getting madder than a one eyed rattle snake....She kept fussing and telling me the TV was messing up....hehehehe.....ohhhh that was sooo much fun!! Then she caught me, I was laughing so hard when she took the remote out of my hands I didn't hear what she said.... It's probably a good thing I didn't hear her or she would be grounded from the TV!!

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