Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where's My Make-Up?

I know every time I go to put my make-up on... Stuff is missing. I can't find my eye shadow or the brush to apply it... and where the heck is my lipstick? Ohhh there it is... Well, what the hell happened to it? It wasn't like this the last time I used it... Now it looks like someone got hungry or had really big lips.....And why is there make-up all over the floor and mirror? Did I do that? Man, I have got to stop drinking while I'm putting on make-up, this is getting expensive...Hummmmm....I bet I know what the problem is... I probably have a small case of Alzheimer's OR is it Sometimer's (sometimes I can't remember).. Yeah, yeah, yeah... Like I ain't smart enough to figure out what is going on... Give me a break... A woman don't get to be my age without learning a few things.... Sooo... My kid have an overnight guest after Christmas... They played with the paint set my daughter got for Christmas... Ohh boy, wasn't that a hoot!! Didn't you get canvas to paint on?.
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THEN..... they got real quite... Oh what a relief that was, and I was so happy I didn't want to know what they were doing... However, being a mom, I should have known... Quite spells T-R_O_U_B_L_E..... later they went to sleep...And I went to the bathroom... That's when I found the big mess ... Then I looked in the bedroom ...OMG ..Yeah, they are sooo guilty... I don't care if they look like angels or not... The evidence is there.... So is my makeup and my daughters paint.... Now I what to know....Why didn't God give me boy's?

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