Saturday, October 22, 2011

You're Hooked on Electronic Gadgets if....

1. You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.
2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. When you get home, you point your remote to the car to the front door of the house to unlock the front door to the house.
4. You e-mail the person who lives next door to you instead of going over to visit.
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don’t have an e-mail address.
6. You pull up in someone’s driveway and use your cell phone to see if they are home instead of knocking on the door.
7. You use your cell phone for your alarm clock, calculator and calender.
8. Leaving the house without your cell phone is a cause for panic and you have to go back to get it.
10. You stay up too late because you are on the internet and just can’t quit.
11. You get up in the morning and go online, while your coffee brews.
12. You have started drinking or smoking or BOTH because of all the stress of trying to figure out all the latest technology.
13. Your reading this and nodding and agreeing.
14. Even worse……. You know you should be in bed by now!
15. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
16. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn’t a #9 on the list.
17. You can type your fifteen letter password in less than 2 seconds.
18. You spend countless hours figuring out how to do something on the internet that you think is cool….. Because, if someone else did it…………and… you know…..THERE HAS TO BE A WAY!
19. You talk to your family more on the messenger than you do in person.
20. You are in need of a housekeeping service because you spend so much time online that you don’t have time to clean the house.
21. You have great friends that you have never seen in person.
22. You have so many names and passwords that you forgot what one goes with what.
23. You freak out when the electric goes off and none of your gadgets are working.
24. Your cable bill is a necessity not a luxury.
25.You are reading this and can relate to at least 8 things on this list.

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