Saturday, October 29, 2011

Phishers & Scammers

I have this friend who sent me an e-mail about six months ago, informing me his Yahoo account had been phished and if I received any unusual e-mails... They were not from him and to ignore them... Oooops, too late, I had already received one and thought he was joking so I made up my own little reply and had sent it back. Imagin the scammers face when they got my reply...

Here is what the scammer sent me when posing as my friend.
How are you doing? Please I really don't feel like disturbing you with my little problem but I don't have any one else to turn to, I am seeking for help from you please try to understand. Actually, I traveled down to Nigeria to witness the grand opening of the first ever free trade zone called "Tinapa" in Africa, thinking maybe I could get any opportunity to have a place to trade to, but unfortunately for me, I got robbed by some street orchids while trying to get a cab back to my hotel. Right now am stranded and so cash strapped, I can't even think straight now. With the chumpchange I've on me, I have access only to email and worst is my mobile phone doesn't work here. So I was thinking if you'd lend me the sum amount of $1500 to settle my hotel bills and other things please. I'd pay you back as soon as I get back. I am so confused right now. You can have it sent directly to the Western Union Money Transfer Office down here. My passport is not with me.
I am almost impatiently waiting for your reply.
With regards.

Now... Here is the reply I sent when I thought it was my friend pulling a joke

Dear XXX
Oh my, I do hate to hear of your disturbing situation. However, I am sorry to say at the time my millions are tied up in stocks and bonds and real estate investments. Further compounding my cash shortage is the fact that I spent considerably more money that I anticipated during my recent trip to London to meet the Queen. Another reason for my cash shortage is the fact that I broke my ankle while dancing with her son, Philip.... He actually isn't as good a dancer as I would have expected. Although I cannot help you personally, I will see if my cousins the Walton's may be in a position where they could be of assistance, perhaps they have a Wal-Mart there where you could work and save up the money for the trip home... In addition,my Uncle Bill and Aunt Hilliary may be able to help you in obtaining another passport, they do have a little pull in the political area. I will give them your e-mail address immediately, as I am leaving the country in the morning on a trip to Japan with Donald Trump and am not sure as to how long we will be gone. Knowing how well you adapt, I think by the time you receive my e-mail, you will be enjoying your time with the natives and may not need my help in returning to this God forsaken country anyway. Have a good day and enjoy Nigeria, I hear it's beautiful there!!

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