Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Introduction to the Internet

When I got my first computer all was well…. I wasn’t on the internet…. I played games on the computer that I installed from disk I had bought….. THEN...I got the Internet…..

Ohhhh boy… All the places I could go and things I could do…. AND… Not enough time in a day to do it all…
Soooo… I lost sleep…. I sent e-mail…. Chatted in the messenger….Joined groups…. Blogged…. Played games online… and mucked up my computer from time to time!! Which drove me crazy!

Soooo… Now I spend almost as much time working on my computer as I do playing on it…. Got to make it better, right?… Get more stuff…. Oooops that didn’t work… better take it off… Uhhh Ohh… Well shoot, that ain’t right either…. Hummm….I’ll use system restore…. That’s better… uhhh….. No it ain’t… Dammit!!! Now where’d everything go…reinstall this…Uninstall this… re-install that…well , why the heck ain’t that working?? And where WTF did the other thing go??? %#$$@@#$$%$%*%$#@# computer!!!!

Ok…. I got a new monitor…and my tower is all back together… Now I am going to start all over and be nice my system… I love my computer, really I do… and all my online friends... So....I’m not going to make it do things it don’t want to do….. Uhhhh…. But, I’m sure as heck going to keep on trying!!!
computer tower.jpg

If Ya’ll don’t hear from me …. You know what I’m doing!!!!!

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