Saturday, October 22, 2011

Famouse Last words

I don’t need the directions!
What does this button do?
Is the electric off?
It’ll work!
Warning my ass!
Ya ready?
Here goes nothing!
I've done it a hundred times before.
I dare ya to pull that trigger!
I know what I’m doing!
It’ll work!
What’s that?
Make me!
I don’t know about this…..
Ohhhh come on, no one will find out!
Watch out!
Just watch and see!
Don’t worry about it!
Hold on to your beer!
Uhhhhh Ohhhhh!!
You won’t feel a thing!
Don't push that button!
It’ll be fun!
Everything will be ok!
Trust me!
Yeahhhh I can do it!
You don’t have the guts!
Ohhhh Yeah, and whatchya gonna do about it?
It won’t bite!
What’s the worse that can happen?
Please remain calm, there is nothing to worry about….
I don’t care what you say……I’m going back for my pants….

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