Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday Night Poker


When I was a little girl I remember seeing beer cans in our trash, but I never remember seeing my parent's drunk. I also remember seeing them playing cards with friends. However, I was too young to realize that Tuesday's were poker night at our house. I guess my Dad's mother put her preacher up to going and inviting him to bring the family to church on Sunday. Of all nights the preacher showed up on poker night. There was a mad dash to hide the beer and the preacher visited and invited everyone to attend church on Sunday and after Dad promised he would think about it he left and the game was back on. Well, Sunday came and went and we didn't go to church. Tuesday night, they were back at it, playing poker and drinking beer and there was a knock at the door. Yep, that dang preacher again. Well, this went on for a few weeks then one Sunday Dad got up early and told Mom to get us up and get us ready to go to church, and we went. Tuesday night poker came and they played and drank beer and the preacher didn't interrupt the game. Dad thought he had finally gotten rid of him. So, Sunday comes and we DON'T go to church. On the following Tuesday during the poker game there he was knocking on the door. The preacher told Dad he missed us at church on Sunday and invited us to come back. Dad got to thinking how this preacher who didn't know him from Adam had spent so much time and effort trying to get him to go to church and really seemed to care. So, this one man somehow turned my Dad around by not giving up .... And my Dad went on to become a preacher himself! Ain't it funny, we never really know if something we do no matter how small it may seem, can help change someone's life!


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