Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do Not Enter


We had a record rainfall here in Arkansas last week and with all the flooding there were some places my coworkers and I couldn't go. However there were a few places where I was dammed if I do and dammed if I don't... It was bad... water everywhere... I know you are not supposed to drive into running water and they say 6 inches of it can move your vehicle off the road... BUT..... What if you have no choice? There is water back there... and water up there... and .. You are here and need to go one way or the other...

I know what I did... plowed on through saying, "Please God, Please God, Please God"... Actually I think it only took three "Please God's to get me through... but... that is enough water to push your butt off into the ditch or lake or what other moving body of water is close by.... I saw a lot of cars off in the ditches up to the windows...IN TOWN... Now that is usual... So, Yeah... I know... They say don't drive through moving water... I also know.. From last week... Sometimes .. You don't have a choice..... When it is coming from every way..even the unexpected ways.... What do you do? Yeah, sometimes people make stupid choices... but sometimes there isn't a smart choice to make...Then you pray....
uhhh ohh.jpg

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