Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Banned From The Blocks


When you're a kid, being one of the first to arrive at daycare every morning can be a little boring. When my daughter Ashely takes my grandsons to daycare it is early and most of the children haven't arrived yet so to keep them entertained she gets the blocks down for them to play with while. Today however, when she took the boys to daycare, the worker asked her not to get the blocks down, she said, "Bentley is not allowed to play with the blocks anymore". Uh Oh, sounds like sweet little one year old Bentley learned how to throw blocks, dosen't it?
Nope, he's not throwing them. It seems Bentley takes a block in his hand with the pointy edge sticking out and goes around hitting the other children in the head with it. The worker said yesterday he hit one little girl so hard it took a while for her to quit crying. She also said when he tried to hit his older brother Brayden in the head, Brayden dodged the blow. Kinda makes one wonder who Bentley learned that from, dosen't it? That kinda puts a damper on my Christmas gift idea for the boys, now what can I get them that can't be turned into a weapon?

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