Saturday, October 22, 2011

They're getting a What?

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Growing up my family always got together on new year's day and had a big meal consisting of black-eyed peas, hog jowl, cabbage and cornbread. Anything else anyone wanted to bring was optional.... Until the last few years I thought that traditional New Years day meal was Nation wide here in the USA... Now I know that isn't so, it's a Southern thing... Thank God for the South, black-eyed peas and tradition... I have no idea if the rest of our country has any particular meal they eat on new years or not, perhaps one of our Northern friends will care to enlighten us.
We all got together to eat at my dad's today and when we arrived my dad's new brother in law, Terry, let us know not to mess with my dad {the cook}. Terry said as soon as he came into the kitchen my dad met him with a glass of tea and then proceeded to tell him he needed to get the hell out of his kitchen. Well, Terry has a bottomless stomach and for Christmas he was gifted with his own special red plate for family get together's.It's also a know fact, if someone don't guard the food from Terry while it is cooking there won't be enough to go around when it's time to eat.
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The pictures don't do justice to Terry's new red eating plate... Really that thing is big enough to serve a turkey on, as a matter of fact... It is a serving tray. In that picture Terry was on his second plateful and then polished off a big ole bowl of something for dessert.
Now one last thing, today I learned this may be our last New Year's Day dinner with our extended family. It seems there is a rumor going around that my dad and new step mother are getting a divorce. People have been asking my sisters about this rumor, ain't life in a small town interesting? You know sometimes the one getting a divorce is the last to know but you would think... At least one of them would know. My dad said he wished someone would let them know what they are doing... Terry said if anyone else asked me to tell them, "Hell they ain't getting a divorce, they ain't never got married they are just shacking up." I hope the marriage last another year because I had my camera on the wrong setting and took the worst picture of them together. Maybe I'll stop in there Sunday and try to get a good picture of them before they go file for divorce. I love my new extended family, black eyed peas and Southern tradition, and I suppose God loves busybodies, he sure did make a lot of them. They sure gave us something to laugh about today....
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