Saturday, October 22, 2011

There's a Spot in the Freezer!

Last winter our guinia pig spot died..... I don't remember if it was during the ice storm or too dark or what the reason was... but......We were not able to bury him at the time......So, we wrapped him in a little dishcloth and then in plastic wrap and tucked him away in the deep freezer out on the back porch.....Now it is August and...Spot is still in the deep Heck, I forget... I'm getting old, I'm busy... "Out of sight out of mind"......Hehehe.........But...He sure was a lot of fun while he was living.... What am I to say??? Every now and then my daughter and I go out on the porch and look in the deep freeze to see what I have tucked in there to eat....And, she see's this little package and hollers... "Mom, is that spot?".....Maybe they will find a cure for what he had before I get around to burying him and we can get him back to life..... I do hope by this time next year... I ain't telling Ya'll he's still out there in the freezer!!! But don't bet on it!!

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