Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gingerbread Christmas Trees

We got a new dog a few weeks ago, he had been playing with my daughter for over a week and I thought he was a big ole baby, although I knew he belonged to someone else because he had a collar. However, one of our neighbors didn't think he was such a big ole baby and called the law on him for trying to bite her dad. So while I was looking for his owner the law showed up and they told me to tell the owner to keep him put up. When I found the owner he said he guessed he would have to keep him chained up, then.... I said, " If you decide you want to give him away, we would love to have him". Famous last words...Yeah, yeah, yeah.... Now he is ours..
This is Butch.jpg

Soooooo.... Cassidy's aunt gave her a kit to make two gingerbread Christmas trees and we spent an hour putting the darn things together Friday night and left them on the kitchen table. However, when I woke up Saturday morning and went into the kitchen to make my coffee, I stepped on candy balls that were supposed to be on the trees..Ouch, dammit.. WTF is this? I got my coffee to going and turned around and... Lo and .behold... there were no gingerbread trees on the table....Hummmmmm
Ginger bread.jpg

Must have been a midnight snack for some hungry dog with a sweet tooth.... There was also one pissed off kid when she finally decided to get out of bed... Ho, Ho, Ho...I can hardly wait to see what Christmas brings....Life is full of surprises...Ain't it?

Santa butt crack.jpg

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