Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm eating it

Long ago schools consisted of one big building and all the students from all grades were taught by one teacher. You walked to school or rode a horse or your daddy dropped you off from a horse drawn buggy. They didn't have free lunches and they didn't have a cafeteria... You brought your lunch from home and set in on the shelve in the back of the room till lunch time! Well, my Uncle Mutt's family were like all other families in the area, struggling to keep their heads above water. In other words they were dirt poor! Every day for lunch Uncle Mutt had two biscuits, sometimes if they had slaughtered a hog he had sausage or bacon on it. After a while Uncle Mutt got tired of eating those biscuits ever day and decided he would be the first one to the shelves to grab their lunch and he wasn't getting his sack with those biscuits. At lunch time he ran to the shelves and grabbed the heaviest sack and out the door he went, he found a spot behind a tree so he wouldn't be caught eating someone else's lunch. He opened up the sack and poured the contents on the ground and there in front of him were four walnuts and a hammer! After that, he never griped about his lunch again.


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