Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trip To The ER


It was a long day at work and at the end of the day I was beat, so I decided to take a little nap when I got home. A little nap is what it turned out to be, because I'd been asleep a whole fifteen minutes when my daughter came in the room to wake me up and handed me the phone. My little sister called from our cousins house, she said he was sick and wanted me to come down and take his blood pressure. When I got there, both my sisters were there and worried, they thought he was dying. Blood pressure was OK, pulse OK, respiration OK, blood sugar 260, temp 102.8 and had been that way for two days, he couldn't hold anything down and couldn't stay awake. So we talked (threatened) him into going the ER, little sis tells him to change his underwear (I don't know how long he'd had them on but it was too long) He said NO, if I go to the ER I go on my terms... Oh boy! Well, we got his bags packed and loaded up in the car and off we go.

Once they got him into a room in the ER they told us there could only be two of us at a time in the room with him, so we decided we would take turns sitting out in the waiting room. When the nurse came in check on my cousin she asked him, "what brings you here today?"... He pointed at me and my sister and said, "They did, I didn't want to come!" He gave the nurse hell when she was drawing blood, then wanted to know if she was married. When he finally decided he wanted to sit up a bit, he was staring at his feet... Then he said, "My shoes are on the wrong feet!".... I tried to tell him that before he ever got in the car and my little sister, who helped him put them on said that's how he wears them... Apparently, she was wrong! Hahaha

After I had been back in ER with him and my oldest sister for a while I decided to go back to the waiting room and let my little sister go back in the ER. When I came through the double doors and told her she could go back for a while she said, "I think those doors lock"... "No they don't just push the bar and go through"... "Wait, watch that woman... Oh, OK, I'll be back later". Then I watch her trot her happy butt to the doors and push... And... NOTHING... She pushed again... NOTHING... Then she jiggled the doors but she still couldn't get them to open, then she started laughing... I was about to die laughing and people were looking at both of us like we were nuts.

She came back and sit down by me and then a little old lady hobbled up to the doors and pushed them open and went in, No problem... OMG... I thought I was going to pee my pants!! So both of us just sit out in the waiting room visiting with other people who were waiting. Then my little sister got to telling this lady why we were there, she said, "we were both piled up in the bed taking a nap and a friend called to say our cousin was sick." The lady looked at us so funny (uhhh huh they're gay), I quickly corrected her, I said "we're sisters, she was at her house I was at mine!" The nice little lady just nodded and smiled. I don't think she believed me!!

Finally my older sister came back from the ER and said the Doctor would be there in a few minutes and we would know something soon. So as she headed back to the ER to be with my cousin I followed her and ... She pushed the door open and we went in, no problem. We were back there for a while and my cousin asked where our little sister was and I said she was out in the waiting room and I'd go change places with her and he said, No, let her bother the people out there, she's probably bossing them all around... Hahaha...

Well, finally after about 4 1/2 hours in the waiting room they decided they were going to run more test and still wasn't sure if they were going to keep him we decided we were going home and he could call if they decided to kick him out. As my older sister and I came through the double doors to the waiting room I motioned for my little sister to come here... I told her to open the doors... She pushed... NOTHING... Pushed again.. NOTHING... If I didn't know better I'd think she was a natural blonde. At least we got out of there before they threw us out, only one problem... Who's going to go back to pick him up? And what do we do if he's still wearing those same ole dirty underwear?

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