Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Hair Cut

The Hair Cut.jpg

I think school pictures are just something to help us prepare for getting our drivers license pictures taken when we get older....Really, how many kids actually take a great school picture? I know I have taken a few that were God awful...Furthermore, I used to love it when my sisters took bad ones....I always made sure to save one of those and torment them with . Well, my kid is not any different she has took her share of bad school pictures. However, did she really have to go and cut on her hair right before picture day?? Ohhhhh I was mad...... One would think I would be used to it by now, I have lost count as to how many times she has taken the scissors to her hair in the past. So I asked her, "Is this the kind of hair cut you wanted, Your hair standing straight up on your head?"........So here is her third grade school picture in all it's precious little snaggle toothed angel with her horns showing! Does she look like she cares or what? Hummmmmm .....I cannot believe what she just asked me as I am writing this? "Mom....I need some got some?" ............GOTTA GO!!!!!!!!!

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