Saturday, October 22, 2011

Missed The Bus

missed the bus.jpg

This is the second week of school... and I can already see trouble ahead .....I got my daughter up early... as usual... Well, for school usual... and what does she do? Sit and watch the cartoon channel... feed the animals...and say she can't find her hair brush... Well.... NO... you ain't going to find your hair brush sitting on your butt watching cartoons......and then she couldn't find the shirt she wanted.... AGAIN... Nope, not while sitting on your butt....
So the bus normally runs at 7:05 every morning... and at 7:10 she was putting the finishing touches on her hair ..... and then out the door she goes...."I already know it".... SHE HAS MISSED THE BUS... but.. she don't... dumb ass.... I look out the door and there she stands... looking up and down the highway... waiting for the bus.....OMG...If I didn't have to hurry I'd get a pic of her with my camera..... well, at least I got a laugh outta all the hollering I did earlier... anyways ... I step it up a notch getting ready for work... because I know... I'm going to have to take her to school, THE BUS HAS RAN... and it ain't coming back.... So at 7:20 I hear the door... she comes in and ask what time it is... I say... "it's twenty minutes after seven".... Does it dawn on her that if the bus runs at 7:05 and it's 7:20...MAYBE... you missed the bus? Nope... She went down to the corner again.... lol... Well, I was hot earlier but.... I'm laughing now...though, she can't hear me.... I know I have to take her to school ... but... she ain't sitting on the couch watching cartoons till it's time to go...She's sweating it, wondering if she missed the bus and how she's going to tell me... lol
At 7:30 she comes home... I'm in the kitchen... getting my work bags and grabbing my keys.... putting the animals out of the house... and then I ask her.... "Why ain't you down there waiting for the bus?"...... "Momma, I missed the bus"......"Well then, how are you getting to school?".............."Momma!"......Yeah, yeah, yeah... I guess you need a ride, huh? So I took her to school... and then that made me get to work early... Then everyone at work wondered what was wrong... because.... I never get to work on time....Unless someone misses the bus...............

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