Saturday, October 29, 2011

The long scary walk home

Back when my Uncle Claudiene was a teenager the roads were made of wooden planks and there were no street lights. Well there was a dance in town and Uncle Claudiene went, when it was over it was dark and he had a long walk home since he lived out of town. He started walking and once he got out of town it was so dark he couldn't see anything and then he started getting spooked by all the sounds coming from the woods. Then he heard it... Footsteps following him, he would stop walking and the footsteps would stop... He would walk faster and the footsteps would go faster... The footsteps were right behind him and he couldn't see a thing. Uncle Claudiene took off running with whatever it was right behind him, he ran all the way home and burst into the door huffing and puffing but safe. When he got up the next morning he looked out the door and someone's mule had followed him home and was standing out in the yard.


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