Saturday, October 29, 2011

River Rat

When I was growing up the people in the town close to us used to call all of us river rats because we live right on the river. My mother's family have lived in this town for many generations and we are kin to a lot of folk out here because of one great great grandfather who had many wives... Hehehe... Rumor was when he would make one mad everyone knew because they would see him with his mattress on his horses back going to one of his other women's house. Anyway, some older people have been going through their old photographs and when they find one with our kinfolk they have been nice enough to pass them on to us. This is my great grandmother on her houseboat, I see where our love for the river comes from, I guess when my grandma told people she grew up on the river she meant it...

Granny's Mom 2.jpg

My mothers dad was electrocuted in a flood when he touched a electrical wire when she was only five years old. He was in a boat with some other people going to town to get some things for their families. I have heard stories from people telling how they all stayed in the top story of what is the museum now during the floods... Our town was the county seat for Jackson county during the time the riverboats was the main means of transporting goods. This is a pic of my great grandfather, I don't know if they still lived on a boat or not, but get a load of that fish ... AND that truck... lol...Oh, and those other catfish in the truck ain't nothing to sneeze at
!!. My sister just got this picture from an old family relative a few days ago, we had never seen it.

Mom's Grandad.jpg

Well, if this rain we are getting don't stop we are going to be thinking of heading for the hills. I would have moved out here sooner last year, but the river was up and they were sandbagging and people were moving out. I don't think it will get that bad this year, but the river is rising and is at 20ft. .... flood stage is 28ft. I have a storm cellar for the tornadoes... looks like I need to get me one of them there boats like my great great granny had.... Here is a pic of the road leading to the boat ramp in my town, I don't think anyone is going to be unloading their boat there today!
Black river down at the park.jpg

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