Saturday, October 22, 2011

There's A Tornado Headed Where?

tornado 4.png

This has been one wild year weather wise for the whole world. I think someone must have made mother nature pretty mad for her to be heaping everything on us all at once. we hadn't been moved back in our home too long after the flood scare than tornado season was among us. It was a Wednesday and I was off work, the weather man on the TV kept talking about the bad storms heading our way. They were so confident we were going to have severe weather some schools were letting out early and they were posting where all the local shelters were for people who don't have cellars at home. Heck, I got worried that if there was a tornado Cassidy would be at school and I'd be at home with no way to get to her. So I took my happy butt to school and signed her out early.

Later about the time school was getting out the storm hit. I could hear the spotters and the police on the scanner telling where the tornado was...And it was getting closer to us! Then I heard one of the men say, "It's on the ground and headed straight toward Jacksonport, tell them to sound the alarms!" My brother in law came over and was waiting on the front porch for my sister to get home, my nephew came over with their two dogs, I took our dogs and our Black electronic bag to the cellar and was yelling at Cassidy to get her butt to the cellar. I go back in the house to see what's taking Cassidy so long and here she comes, with a laundry basket full of her clothes to take to the cellar. She packed for the tornado!!

Fortunately the tornado missed our little town and as it continued on its way it stayed mostly in empty fields leaving little destruction in its path. We have been very lucky compared to others who have lost homes and loved ones in the flooding and tornado's that have occurred around our country recently. My heart and prayers go out to all who have been affected.

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