Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oh No, Back to School


I remember watching my older sister get on the school bus and wishing I could go with her. I thought getting all those new clothes and school supplies and getting too ride the big yellow bus and play on the huge playground would be so cool. Well, three years later, I got my wish... WooHoo, I was going to school!!! My sister walked me to my room the first day and I happily trotted my butt in the classroom. We really didn't do a lot the first day, got our books, the teacher talked to us about rules and gave us a lot of papers to take home for our parents to fill out. However, we did get to play on the big playground and ate lunch in the cafeteria. Yeah, I'm thinking... I''m going to like this school stuff......
Then on day two, we started working and following all those rules we couldn't remember. We had to be quiet and listen and could only play during recess..... :( ..........So by the third day I had done figured out I didn''t like school and I wanted no part of it!!!..... we ride the bus to school... My sister walked me to my room.... But.....I WAS NOT GOING TO GO IN THERE...NO WAY, NO HOW....
While my sister was trying to get me to go in the classroom, my teacher finished the roll call....Then she stuck her head out the door and there we were.... We had a few words and when I said "I ain''t going in", she snatched me up by the arm and in the room I went.... Kicking and screaming and throwing my backpack to the floor...I didn't like it... BUT.... I went....And she wore my butt out with her nice little paddle. That was the first of many paddling's I got that year. However, that was the only one I got for refusing to go into the classroom!You know, that woman is still living today, and I might add from what I have heard.... She's still just as mean as she ever was!!!!

Mean Teacher.jpg

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