Saturday, October 22, 2011

Phones, Dogs and Mean Old Ladies

I remember when I was growing up, we didn't have a home telephone and nobody was even thinking of inventing cell phones. When I wanted to talk to my friends I walked or rode my bike to their house and mom told me what time to be home when I left the house because she couldn't call me on the phone. When we finally got a telephone we were on a party line with three other homes in our area. One of the parties we shared the line with was one little old man and his wife who was a mean old lady who didn’t like kids, she also happened to own some dogs that were about as mean as she was. Quite often we couldn't call out on our phone because this little old lady or her husband had knocked their phone off the hook or something. We knew who had their phone off the hook because you could hear them in their house talking when we picked up our phone to call out. To draw their attention to the phone off the hook we would holler and whistle and make all kinds of noise so they would notice and put it back so we could make a call. Well, that never worked like we thought it should. Oh she heard us all right, but she thought it was kids outside playing so she would open the door and let the dogs out and holler sick em!!! Honest to goodness we heard it…and we would laugh so hard knowing she was sending the dogs on a goose chase. So when you hear the song “who let the dogs out?”,I just thought I'd let you was a mean little old lady from Arkansas, who didn’t like kids!!!

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