Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jesus The Cat

Years ago my cousins moved from Arkansas to Missouri. By the time they finally made it to their new home it was getting dark, so they took their family pet, a cat named Jesus inside... and got him all settled and started unloading furniture. Nobody noticed when Jesus slipped out the door.... And for days my Aunt would set out food and call for him... Finally, Jesus came home, but not before neighbors noticed my Aunt standing on the porch calling for Jesus.


One day, a few weeks after my cousins had made a few new friends they were out playing and one of the new friends asked one of my cousins what was wrong with their mother. They didn't have any idea what they were talking about and asked what they meant.... The friend replied... "Well, we see you're momma out on the porch hollering at Jesus saying... "I know you are out there Jesus".... "Come here Jesus"..."Jesus, where are you at?" "Jesus, here is some food"...."Jesus are you lost?""

Now, we have a dog named BooBoo... Sometimes we call him Boo... So, the other day I was standing on the porch calling for him... I was hollering ... Boo....Boo...Boo... One of my daughters friends walked by and I thought nothing of it... UNTIL... The next day....When she came home from her friends house and said her friend said I was standing on the porch trying to scare her..... It must run in the family...


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