Saturday, October 22, 2011

Who Opened My Presents?


[b]My sisters and I made a ritual of taking a day to get together and go out of town shopping before Christmas. On one of these trips we were talking about Christmas past and my little sister mentioned the time my older sister and I opened all of her presents Christmas morning and took them and put them in her bed and woke her up. Well.... Neither of us remember doing that to our little sister, surly she was mistaken. For years this story would pop up every now and then when the three of us were together and of course, we always maintained our innocence...
Eventually, the Thanksgiving before my mother passed away we were all sitting around our parent's table after dinner talking about old times and, lo and behold, guess what subject came up? Yeah, the time we opened her presents. Well, when my sister repeated the story for the umpteenth time I replied, "We didn't do that, did we Mom?" ... And boy was I surprised when she said, "Y'all sure did". Well, I know since the other sister is older than I am, it was probably her idea. However, I wonder why neither of us can remember it and the little sister can. Isn't it funny how people can all be at the same place and witness the same thing at the same time and some remember details differently and some don't even remember the event at all? Of course, since our Mother said we did it, we know we must have and if our little sister would have gotten her butt out of bed when we told her to I wouldn't be writing this .... What I wonder about now is all those witnesses on the stand in the courtrooms in those a long drawn out cases... Do they really have their facts straight or not? Maybe some of those people are innocent and the witnesses screwed up the facts.... We were guilty and thought we were innocent for years.... Selective memory perhaps? Well, If she ever take us to court for ruining her life I'm pleading the fifth, if it still exist...


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