Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nasty Food

I remember growing up sitting at the dinner table looking at some nasty tasting food that someone had put on my plate. What is worse is the fact that I had to eat that nasty food...OR ... Sit there and look at it till it turned green..... Them nasty ole Butter beans, chicken livers, Mixed vegetables, spinach and english peas were the worst. I learned to mash the peas and other vegetables under the rim of my plate to get rid of them, I also learned, you can't mash chicken livers and you better get a mouthful of potatoes or tea to wash them down with to kill the taste... They knew what I was doing.. I know this because my dad is still telling those stories to anyone who will listen to this day... as a matter of fact... I overheard him telling it this last Thanksgiving.
Well, the other day I stopped in to visit my Dad, who remarried two years ago and now has a eleven year old step-daughter. During our visit he was talking about what a picky eater she is and how they cook a lot of Mac & cheese and other things she likes. I looked at him and said... "Then why did you make us eat all those yucky foods, if they were good for us, ain't they good for her?" I also let him know, I have never cooked a butter bean or mixed vegetables since I left home, however, I must confess I do like chicken livers now and english peas are OK, but I'm not ordering them in a restaurant..... I don't like them that much... Now I'm wondering, is this my dad or has he been old-man-napped by aliens....

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