Saturday, October 22, 2011

Slumber Party

I am about to pop a freaking vein!!!!!! My kid is having her Birthday party.... A slumber party... Four girls... Thank God it's Fourth of July weekend and others couldn't spend the night! So.... I have took pic's of her party... and came in here to upload them and walk back into the kitchen and.... IT IS A MESS!!!!!! The $27.oo cake I bought... demolished... on the floor... noodles on the floor..The floor that I swept and mopped then waxed today..... furniture moved around...And that ain't even going to say what they did to my makeup.... OMG I ever want to wring their little necks... NO, I didn't take a pic... But I threw one heck of a fit... They are in there now with the broom and mop and I said it better be clean when I get back in there.... I can be mean when I need to be!! Now what the hell did I get on here for??? Oh, yeah... was going to show a few birthday pic's while the kids are still breathing!!!!!

Kids scattered when I brought the camera out to take pic's of her opening her presents... but the dog loved getting in all the action... Hell, he is the only one I haven't had to holler at tonight. Now, I know why dog is mans best friend..... Ohhh, and I Just checked on the kids... they are on their hands and knees cleaning up that mess.... Hehehe... Got my bluff in on em!!


Tonight I have broken up one fight, two arguments and chewed their butts out big time over that mess... and it ain't even eleven o clock, not to mention my living room is a mess.... Man oh man...... If ya'll don't hear from me.... Raise money for my bail.... They probably deserved it!!!!!


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