Saturday, October 29, 2011

Don't Mess With The @%# Judge!!


Back when my Dad was in the Marines he was on leave in somewhere in California and got picked up for public drunk and fighting. He spent the night in the slammer and the next day when everyone went to court, he sat and listened to all the other peoples charges. One man who was a cilvian had the same charges as my Dad and the judge fined him $25.00, so my Dad thought that wouldn't be too bad. However, when his turn came and he was up before the judge, the judge thumped his gavel and charged him $50.00! :o ... My Dad said, "But your Honor, you just charged that other man $25.00!". Then the judge slammed the gavel again and said, "That's another $50.00, do you have anything else to say?" Which of course..... My Dad said, "No Sir, your Honor".... I bet that Judge was an Army man!!! :lol:

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