Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Fathers Day Already?

After having a new air compressor put in my car, then replacing two tires, we were forced to relocate for a bit because of the flood scare and had a few out of pocket expenses I wasn't expecting..Heck, they were all out of pocket expenses I wasn't expecting! Now our hours have been cut at work...I thought I was broke before... But... Now I'm broker than cooter brown and robbing Peter so I can pay Paul just so my kid can go to church camp... And Now I realize Sunday's ...FATHERS DAY... Well, crap... what can I get him that don't cost a bunch that I think he will use... Yep, I think I've found the perfect fathers day present... Y'all think he'll notice it's homemade? After all, I don't think he ever uses any of the stuff I get him anyway... Ya know, he'll probably use this.. Yep, I think he will.

drink holder.jpg

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