Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Uncle the Hobo


During the depression there wasn't a lot of work around here so my Uncle Mutt decided he would hop a train and find work elsewhere and send money home to help support his family. Uncle Mutt found out he wasn't the only one with that idea, many people in that time were doing the same thing, most were following the crop seasons picking fruits and vegetables for farmers. After a while Mutt learned of different Hobo camps set up at different areas close to the railroad tracks, some people had tents others used cardboard for shelter. Sometimes someone would have one big pot sitting over a fire and everyone would take whatever food they had and throw it in and make a big goulash for everyone to eat. Uncle Mutt would go into the camp to visit and get news of work and eat with them. Uncle Mut usually found somewhere to sleep away from the Hobo camps because it was safer because at night you had to worry about being robbed or the police coming in and busting the camp for vagrancy. He once met a couple in one Hobo camp and the lady had no arms, she had a little baby and held it with her legs and feet just like they were her arms. They invited him to stay for supper and she cooked it all over an open fire with her feet.
Well, Uncle Mutt had been working out of town for a while and was homesick and decided he was coming home... But the train he hopped didn't slow down in Newport so he wound up in Little Rock... then he hopped the next train back towards Newport but when it was getting close to town it was going to fast too.. and he wound up in Missouri....this went on for a while and Uncle Mutt was getting tired, he decided if the train didn't slow down he was jumping anyway..... Well, the train was coming in to Newport and showed no signs of slowing down. Two old men on break at the oil mill saw him jump from the train that day... He took a running jump and he hit the ground so hard his feet busted through his shoes and they wound up around his knees.... Those two old men who saw him shook their heads and said... "Mutt's back in town!"..

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