Saturday, October 22, 2011

My RedNeck Neighbors

My sister lives next door to me and she's always out working in her yard. Last year after she had two pine trees cut down in her front yard, she decided if she made a rock garden it would be that much less yard she'd have to mow. Well, a lot of rocks and hours later she had her rock garden, however, it's constantly changing... I don't think she's ever actually going to be finished with it. The redneck sign in her yard came from some of her friends, they snuck over in the middle of the night and stuck it in her garden. Everyone needs friends like that, don't they? Or should I say, everyone has friends like that?

Yesterday, my sister called me to let me know someone had siphoned gas out of their jeep and tried to get gas out of their four wheeler also. So, I left my porch light on and parked so I could keep a better eye on my car last night. When I was getting ready for work this morning my sister called to tell me to check out her new signs over her carport on my way to work. Yep, that should get the thief's attention... At lest they know they're living in red neck county now and we don't play that game!

Kinda makes you proud to be a red neck, don't it?

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