Saturday, October 29, 2011

Free cat...As Is!!!!!

......................Free to good home......................

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Free to good home, One ugly, worthless, mangy, good for nothing, two bit ornery, mean, nasty, sorry, cross eyed, filthy, lazy, back pack crapping cat!!! Food bowl and litter box included. Has used one of it's lives already, however still has eight left. Cat does not get along well with back packs and has been known to cause embarrassing situations and cannot be trusted very far. Note of caution, cannot say cat is litter box trained, but with patience and the right weapon, anything is possible... Cat can be lovable at times... But really not worth the trouble. Answers to the name of Stinker. No returns!!
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So, I guess you are wondering what this cat could have done that was so bad, well I'll explain. The day started out great, I got up early enough to have an extra cup of coffee and Cassidy got up the first time I asked her and got ready for school. I thought WooHoo... We are going to be early today instead of our mad dash out the door. So Cassidy is standing in the rain while I lock the house and she comments on something stinking, I just figure it is fertilizer the farmers have been spreading on their crops. However, when we get in the car the smell in unmistakably cat poop, so we both checked our shoes and found nothing. I thought perhaps it was something she had left in the back seat and let her know this afternoon we would be cleaning out the car.
We arrive at school and Mr. Panky meets her with his umbrella and as they are walking off.... I SEE IT! I am hoping it is where her hair got wet in the rain, but I have this nagging feeling it ain't rain! About five minutes after I am at the office my cell phone rings... "Hello"... It's the school secretary, "Ms. Mccloud, do you own a cat?" .... "Yes we do"......"Well, the cat must have pooped on her backpack and when she put it on got poop all in her hair, can you please come and pick her up and wash her hair?" Well I guess that explained the smell. She smelled the office up so they made her sit in the hall while she waited for me to get there... When I arrived at the school, there was her backpack... Leaning up against the outside of the school building. Well, Cassidy wasn't traumatized, actually she was smiling and even posed for pictures before we washed that smell right outta her hair... So after I wash her hair we are on the way back to school and cassidy says, "We were real early today, now we're late again".... Ohhhh shut up!!!!!

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