Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Princess who showed her ass on Halloween

If you have more than one child you understand how a parent will call out the name of all their children before they get the name right when talking to or about one of their children. My parents both are also guilty of telling stories that happened years ago...and if they can't remember which daughter did it... Just blame me, because in all probability, they were probably right. To my defense though, sometimes... Ummmm, well...every now and then.. It was one of my sisters.
A few years before my mom passed away my two daughters and I were visiting right before Halloween and they were discussing what they were going to be for Halloween when my youngest daughter piped in she wanted to be a princess. At the mention of princess my mom had to tell them when I was a little girl I wanted to be a princess every year for Halloween. Now, while I'm busy searching my mind wondering just when it was that I was a princess because I couldn't ever remember being one. I remembered being clowns, hobo's, gypsies, vampires, hippies and rock stars but never a princess ...Then I'm jolted back to reality as I hear my mom continuing her story... Telling them my butt was too big for the princess costumes and it split the back of the costume so my ass was showing as I walked down the road trick or treating.

The next week I took my oldest daughter to my sisters beauty shop to get her hair cut and while we were there I told my sister the story. After I finished I said, "I don't ever remember being a princess"... My sister was almost rolling in the floor when she said, "That was me, I'm the one who was always the princess. But, I didn't split the back out of those gowns, that's how they were made in those days"... I was so glad my sister fessed up to being the one walking around town in her princess costume showing her ass every Halloween, for a while there my daughters were wondering if they should claim me as their mom or not!

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